Saturday 5 March 2016


Kai was in his room reading. He heard whispering he thought it was the wind. Then suddenly the door slammed the windows opened ,“I've come to help you,” said a voice  coming through the window. “What?“ Kai muttered. “Come “ said the voice again”. Lighting struck and waves were crashing Kai was confused. “Umm who are you and why do you want me"? ”I have a gift for you but hold still".  BANG Kai woke he didn't know what had happened. “What happened”? no one answered he looked around and \ then he got up from a chair and started walking he stretched his arms out,  lasers came out of his arms. “Ouch what was that? Do I have super powers“? he mumbled “No i'm being silly “ Kai turned around  there it was staring right at him…

By Gemma


  1. Gemma your adventurous story was really fun to read! I love how you make it seem a bit spooky and mysterious at the start, and it almost sounds like Kai was in a dream but was he? And the ending leaves so much to the imagination - really nice work!

  2. Great Job Gemma! You have a great imagination. Nice work on your super hero writing!

  3. Great work Gemma you have a amazing superhero. I like how you made me want to read your story.

  4. Wow Gemma that story was amazing!
    Maybe you could add more detail to the story.
